BRONX SLANG performs the song “POKER STAR” for BalconyTV.
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Jerry Beeks and Ollie Miggs of Bronx Slang have begun to put there twist into street dialect and sound. Both artists have recorded projects on indie labels in recent years, Jerry as a solo artist and Ollie as a lead vocalist in a mashup band, but as a duo they ventured into new territory often discussed but never attempted.
As the group began to take shape and compile material, an old friend Jadell from London contacted Ollie in search of a lyricist to record on a track he was submitting for a television advert. Jadell, one half of Hatt & Mosley, a music composition company formed along with his sister Jennifer provided an infectious track for Jerry and Ollie to apply a mixture of english and spanish speaking vocals phrased in a rhythmic sense of street and sport. The collaboration led to the song being used in a Poker stars ad for soccer great Neymar Jr…. Tilted Poker Star as well, the song has garnered a large following on You Tube and Facebook leading to the song being released by The Orchard record company as a single on ITunes and numerous music streaming outlets. Poker Star alternatively tilted The Game was shortlisted at the Cicpole festival for best original music for a television ad.
Bronx Slang has continued to write and record new material including a recently released mix tape tilted Bronx Slang Volume One. Expect additional collaborations with Hatt & Mosley as well as other ground breaking projects currently under construction.
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